Unsecured Business Loan
If your business owns trucks, vans, trailers, cars, or any other title vehicles that are free and clear with an aggregate value of at least $10,000, this program may be right for you.
How an Unsecured Business Loan Works
If you own personal luxury assets free and clear, you can leverage the value of those assets to secure fast cash for your business. Items like diamonds and other fine jewelry, fine art, high value collectibles, luxury automobiles, planes, boats, and more. This little known borrowing technique is used all the time by asset-rich entrepreneurs and it enables them to borrow against their value on a strictly confidential basis with no credit needed. One major advantage to this method of borrowing is that the rates are about the same as your average credit card.
Benefits of an Unsecured Business Loan
- Approval amount not based on the value of business assets
- Limited paperwork with no financials in most cases
- Fast funding in 48 hours or less